Robotic farmhouse helper
When we first moved into the "farmhouse", I bought a low end Roomba and loved it. I loved it even though it lost it's little mind and I had to return it within 4 months. I still loved it when I had to return that one two months later because it too had suffered a stroke. I loved that one even though 4...
Farm Goddess
Critter Welfare Issues
In regards to the humane keeping of meat animals, specifically pigs, I should also note that large outside pig pens are not feasible in all parts of the country. Pigs are highly susceptible to heat related illnesses. Whereas, in the Arizona desert, I can keep my horses in dirt paddocks throughout the...
Farm Goddess
The Pig Farm
This isn't really relevant to anything in particular, but I saw that someone had posted about pig farming and I thought I would share my own pig farming experience. It was when I was sixteen, when my dad decided that I needed additional character-building. Apparently lying around the house reading...
Kapitan Mors
Okay. The inside of the house is terrorized by domestic critters. The outside of the house has been under seige by all manner of small wildlife since last spring. The constant stream of lizards through the garage, patio, barn and rocks is fine. The desert tortoise that showed up one day was fine. The ho...
Farm Goddess
Cowboy Hats
This doesn't really have anything to do with farming as such, but I woke up this morning curious about how cowboy hats got to be the way they are, and did some research. And, being talkative by nature, I decided to write down my findings and share them. So, without further ado: History of the Cowboy Hat...
Kapitan Mors