Wow, did I get slammed on The Breeder's Connection Board. I guess I should just keep my mouth shut. Here's the posts:
Poster in a thread on what'sthe best cow dog:
IMO the best dog is one that works for you- not himself. People have very different jobs for thier dogs and therefore different demands on their dogs. Maybe one of the best dogs (or set of dogs) I ever was around might have been Mike Coreys dogs in Washington. They minded, worked stock, and hunted lions. Robin would have a heck of a time puttin up groceries cause Mike would have a Lion in her freezer!! If you ask him how his dogs were bred he would tell you- the one's that work and hunt get to breed- the rest have much shorted lives.
My response:
What happened to the ones that didn't work and hunt?
I don't know if its legal to bait lions in the state of Washington or not!! LOL- sorry I couldn't resist. Call Mike up and tell him your with PETA and want to know what he does with his culls. It should be a lively conversation to say the least.
My response:
On second thought, maybe I don't want to know.
A different poster:
The same thing happens to them as what should happen to some of these bulls that get to breed just because of who there daddy was. Some bulls and cows should probably not reproduce just like some people. Just my opinion.
My response where I screwed up:
I certainly agree that some cows should not be bred nor should some dogs. I've got a dog with luxating patellas (floating kneecaps), and she shouldn't be bred because of this trait. I was just concerned that the dogs were being put down in some way since he said their lives were shortened. Don't get me wrong. I'm definitely not an animal rights activist, but I sure love dogs even more than I love the bulls.
Thanks for the response.
Original poster:
Jaye- no disrespect, but out west it is considered impolite to tell another man what he should do with his livestock unless he asks you. Instead it is considered good to purchase any animal you are worried about and pay the feed bill yourself. Please pass this on to all of your senators, representatives, and PETA freaks. If they are worried about saving an animal that is going to be put down or slaughtered, all they need to do is put their money where there mouth is (buy it outright). Most ranchers and breeders would love to sell their animal instead of can it.
My final response:
Marlin, didn't mean to offend you or anyone else, and I wasn't telling someone how to take care of their animals. If it came across that way, I'm sorry. Like I said, I don't belong to any animal rights groups. Again I apologize if what I said was taken the wrong way.
That's the end.
I'm sorry, but I can't see dogs that don't live up to someone's breeding standards being used as mountain lion bait. With cows, if you don't want to breed them, you can eat them. With dogs, it's different for me. What about you guys? Y'all live out west.
Uh no. Me either Jaye. I'm no PETA pita either I'm simply against ignorant a s s H o l e s owning animals and having children that they teach the same ignorant c r a p to lol. PETA wouldn't have any more to say about that practice than the jerk's own sheriff's office or county animal control office. Hasn't he ever watched those Animal Cops shows on TV??!!
Some people are like slinkies. They don't have a purpose But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs
That's one reason I don't frequent that board anymore. I pop in from time to time, but that's it. You asked a simple question and look at the responses you got. Ridiculous.
I'm not an animal rights activist, either, nor am I overly sentimental about animals. I love them, I hate to see them suffer and those Animal Cop shows on tv make me sick to my stomach, but if an animal is old and physically suffering, I don't have an issue with putting them down. However, the phrase "much shortened lives" is suspect to me. Why not try to adopt them out? Or, why not cut down on the number you have so that if one doesn't hunt, you can keep it until it dies? The implications of what he's doing angers me. I hope we've misconstrued what was written.
Wow, did I get slammed on The Breeder's Connection Board. I guess I should just keep my mouth shut. Here's the posts:
Poster in a thread on what'sthe best cow dog:
IMO the best dog is one that works for you- not himself. People have very different jobs for thier dogs and therefore different demands on their dogs. Maybe one of the best dogs (or set of dogs) I ever was around might have been Mike Coreys dogs in Washington. They minded, worked stock, and hunted lions. Robin would have a heck of a time puttin up groceries cause Mike would have a Lion in her freezer!! If you ask him how his dogs were bred he would tell you- the one's that work and hunt get to breed- the rest have much shorted lives.
My response:
What happened to the ones that didn't work and hunt?
I don't know if its legal to bait lions in the state of Washington or not!! LOL- sorry I couldn't resist. Call Mike up and tell him your with PETA and want to know what he does with his culls. It should be a lively conversation to say the least.
My response:
On second thought, maybe I don't want to know.
A different poster:
The same thing happens to them as what should happen to some of these bulls that get to breed just because of who there daddy was. Some bulls and cows should probably not reproduce just like some people. Just my opinion.
My response where I screwed up:
I certainly agree that some cows should not be bred nor should some dogs. I've got a dog with luxating patellas (floating kneecaps), and she shouldn't be bred because of this trait. I was just concerned that the dogs were being put down in some way since he said their lives were shortened. Don't get me wrong. I'm definitely not an animal rights activist, but I sure love dogs even more than I love the bulls.
Thanks for the response.
Original poster:
Jaye- no disrespect, but out west it is considered impolite to tell another man what he should do with his livestock unless he asks you. Instead it is considered good to purchase any animal you are worried about and pay the feed bill yourself. Please pass this on to all of your senators, representatives, and PETA freaks. If they are worried about saving an animal that is going to be put down or slaughtered, all they need to do is put their money where there mouth is (buy it outright). Most ranchers and breeders would love to sell their animal instead of can it.
My final response:
Marlin, didn't mean to offend you or anyone else, and I wasn't telling someone how to take care of their animals. If it came across that way, I'm sorry. Like I said, I don't belong to any animal rights groups. Again I apologize if what I said was taken the wrong way.
That's the end.
I'm sorry, but I can't see dogs that don't live up to someone's breeding standards being used as mountain lion bait. With cows, if you don't want to breed them, you can eat them. With dogs, it's different for me. What about you guys? Y'all live out west.
-- Edited by Jaye at 21:37, 2008-11-24
I was born in the west and I have to say, being a "westerner" is no excuse for being a butthead. And the funny thing is that the ruggest individualist types like the guy who went off on you are often the first ones to tell you what you can and can't do with your own livestock, property, cars, or life.
I'd apologize for the idiot westerner, but the problem with that is that once I start apologizing for other men and/or westerners, that's all I do for the rest of the day :) But you're right and he's wrong, and I suspect 99.9% of westerners would agree with me.